Tuesday, June 15, 2010


I sometimes feel like my life is just a series of ridiculous situations strung together to create a tableau. One that can make you laugh and cry all at the same time.

Back on Valentine's Day weekend I had a wild hair up my ass to redo the girls' room. Melanie was to move to the downstairs room by herself and I was putting the younger two with bunks in their room and adding some bright paint hoping that it would be distracting enough to help me not notice the perpetual and varying states of disaster their room is usually in.

On Sunday I was still trying to finish so my dear, sweet, and now that I look back on it, EVIL sister in law took all three kids for the day so that I could move their furniture around and paint the room "cantaloupe". Random color I know. As it turned out, Jack was whining about the runny paint and had me return it which was a joy since they don't return paint that has been tinted. The explanation that I gave them was that my husband described it as "runny and some other things peppered with the eff word". They gave me my money back and I planned on grabbing the kids and stopping by Home Depot to get a different brand.

When I picked the kids up they were bouncing around telling me how much fun they had making cupcakes and eating candy and playing with the dogs and, and, and... I was thrilled that they had such a good time until we got to Home Depot. I gave them the customary lecture before we got out of the car, "If you don't behave in here I swear I will make you pay... blah... kick your... blah... " It apparently had no impact.

While selecting paint colors they were wrestling each other to the ground, chasing up and down the aisles, shouting, laughing like crazed lunatics... wait, that might have been me shortly before I really freaked out. Anyway, I was standing in line trying to hold on to Doodles as she attempted to jerk my arm out of the socket by running from one side of me to the other while alternately laughing, screaming and crying. It was the worst I had ever seen them. I was dying.

Just then I glanced up to see a gentleman just staring sympathetically at me. He had three children of ages that may have been similar to my own. He simply said, "My kids are always like that when I pick them up from from my sister in law's." Ironic eh? I told him so. He looked me in the eye and said, "I will pray for you."

I just left that at a "thank you" but I wasn't sure if I should laugh or cry. How frickin' hilarious is it that my kids make complete strangers feel the need to pray for me? Alternately, how sad is that? In defense, this situation is waaaaay worse than average but dang, it. was. crazy!!!

I got the evil people strapped into the car about the time that Doodles was earnestly starting her crying meltdown. I then got in the driver's seat and promptly sent my sister in law a text message.

"Thanks for feeding them the crackcakes."


mizkylie said...

I will pray for you too...better yet, I will put your name in the temple because MY kids are NEVER like this. ;)

mizkylie said...

Please post a funny blog...to lighten mine and Cheddy's spirits:)

Amber said...

Yes, Mizkylie, I am brewing something just for you!!!

calistamarie said...


calistamarie said...
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