Monday, April 12, 2010

Don't Judge Other Parents

I used to watch parents with their children out in public and gasp in shock occasionally at how they would turn around and snap at their child for some seemingly innocent request. I no longer do that. I wish that I could come up with some hand signal or salute that would become the universal sign for "I feel your pain; dang kids!" See, we as the observers have no idea what those children have put that parent through to get them to the point that they are ready to snap for no obvious reason.

The other day I was that parent on the verge of a meltdown, but I was not in a grocery store. I was in a pizza place trying to order a pizza so that I could sit and relax because I could feel myself nearing the end of my short rope. All this thanks to the evil wee people that had been running around insane all day, dragging me down with them. Anyway, Doodles and Sydney had walked down there with me and were running between the video games, the servers area, and me, while touching every table they saw and I tried to look at the menu on the counter. At my elbow was a large stack of to-go menus. As I'm trying to ask the guy at the counter something, I feel a disturbance with the paper menu stack. Without looking I slam my hand down on the stack and continue talking. Again comes the rattling of the paper and again I slam down my hand. The third time I grab the menu, put it pointedly back on the pile and swing my head in a downward arc prepared to threaten the life of a small person if they f*$!#d with the menus again. (remember the pending meltdown??) Only there wasn't a small person there. It was a full grown man hand. Yup. Some guy came in behind me and simply wanted to look at a menu. He looked at me kinda pissed if I do say so myself, and says "excuse me!" I respond with, "I'm sorrrryyy... I thought you were one of my evil children!"

He was judging me. Even after my oh so eloquent apology and the fact that my children were still running around like a-holes, I could tell that he thought that I was a horrible parent while he sat there with his quiet, well behaved child. I know a universal sign I could have given him...


Rochelle said...

I love it!

mizkylie said...

Dude, lets be blogger friends and facebook friends and BFF's forever! Here is my site
I LOVE YOU! YOu are hilarious! I love this blog too!

Michelle said...

Amber, you are soo right! I remember having those thoughts about others. Especially when I was pregnant. But, know in those moments at the grocery store or at a restaurant when the only thing I can do is take her outside, every eye is one me. For me it just goes along with the feeling of eternally being judged. Loud screaming kid with the fat mom who can't calm her down??? Well, I simply reassure myself that they miss all those moments that I get to have with her when she is sweet and says momma I love you, momma your pretty...those moments simply melt the others away!

As always, love the blog!

calistamarie said...

Ummm maybe he could have said 'Excuse me, can I grab a menu?' How irritating was he. LOL