Saturday, February 16, 2008

While Daddy is Away the Girls will Play!

I figured that since Jack is gone for the weekend that the girls and I would spend our time doing things that he is not always enthusiastic about. Last night we watched three movies that he would have hated because not only were they chick flicks, but they were young people chick flicks, starting with "The Adventures in Horseland", "Bratz" (not like the sleazy dolls, sort of like HSM), and then "Stardust", which was a fantasy movie involving witches, other worlds, and true love. I'm sure that anyone that knows Jack would appreciate that I wouldn't want to watch any of these with him! Anyway, this morning we went and saw the early bird showing of "Alvin and the Chipmunks", which was alot of fun! I used to love those guys as a kid, and would watch the cartoon every Saturday morning, and of course sung their Christmas songs every year just to annoy my parents. We had the Christmas record if that makes me feel old! So after the movie we went to the learning store a few doors down and did their weekly free craft. They all made little treasure chests to hold their teeth for the tooth fairy. Since Punkin hasn't had hers all that long, we probably won't need it for awhile, but she had a great time making it!

Not having to work this weekend has been a wonderful opportunity to really focus on the kids. It seems that lately with all I have going on between work, school, trying to work out, and making attempts at cleaning, I only give them about half of my attention. I'm trying to use this time wisely to play with them but to also get caught up on things enough so that I can be more plugged into their lives every day. It's just so easy to get caught up in the world and outside distractions, and lose track of the time needed to do the above and beyond that is required as a parent. Many of the things that I do, especially school and exercise, I do to show them by example that college is important, as is health, so that they can grow up to value these things as well and possibly not be doing things the hard way like I do. Example: losing weight when you're already fat is harder, as is going to school later in life. I just need to be able to do things like this while not ignoring the little things that also matter, like watching silly movies or painting nails.

1 comment:

Aundrea said...

I'm glad you had fun with your girls while Jack was away. Kelly mentioned that he ran into Jack while he was in town:)