Monday, February 18, 2008

Birthday Boy!

Well, Jack made it home, and with him came Guitar Hero III. His mom bought it for him for his birthday, and little did I know the trouble it would bring... It started out simple enough, but after I played a song, it just wasn't enough. I had to play it again because I knew I could do better. And then again, and again, and again! It is not a good game if you are OCD, even a little! It is totally addicting, and I am less than happy about it! Jack and I haven't talked about it, but we both know that it shouldn't be brought out unless we have LOTS of time to play. Otherwise, we just walk by and ignore that tempting little guitar that waits for us. It wants to just suck us in to its world of streaming colored notes, loud music, an half naked ugly people! As if we had so much time to spare...

So to honor Jack's birthday, I decided that I should come up with a list of things that I love and am grateful for about Jack. Snicker all you want peoples, but it should be pretty easy.

1. Hmmm...

2. I'm sure there's something...

3. Think, think, think...

4. I got it!

5. No...

6. Well, maybe...

7. No...

Ok, now I'm being the ornery one! Here's a real one!

1. The fact that he's going to laugh at the first list.

2. That he doesn't mind my "hot celebrity" list.

3. That he really misses me when I'm not with him.

4. That he can tell me how to get everywhere I need to go and only makes a little fun of me I'm hopelessly lost!

5. That he can admit to his friends that I'm the boss!

6. That he dances like a super freak!

7. That he has to shower even if he's just going to the gym.

8. That he remembers to find and plug in my phone every day.

9. That he loves having girls.

10. That he can't play Guitar Hero with his tongue in his mouth!

11. That he loves my family as much as his own.

12. That he makes fun of my smut collection and still helps me move the shelves around and organize them.

13. That he doesn't get mad anymore when I lose the key(s).

14. That he can put anything together like ten times faster than I could, though he spends much time cursing IKEA and all that it stands for. He could be their poster boy!

15. That when I say to turn left, he knows that I probably meant right.

16. That he totally talks in his sleep. Not of course, the times he goes nuts, but the other, more funny times. Like when he thought I was a giant spider and screamed like a girl while swatting at me!

17. That he can't seem to pose, or let others pose without his middle finger slipping into the picture somewhere! See birthday shot. Sorry Heather! I do think it's sorta funny!

18. That he's man enough to admit that he can remember useless sports facts and that he forgets to take out the trash on purpose!

19. That he would jump anyone that hurt my feelings. Not that I would ask him to, but having a ready weapon never hurts!

20. That he tells me that he can't think of anyone he would want to hook up with if he had a "get out of marriage free" card because I'm the hottest. Dishonest, but I'm ok with the lies!

I think 20 is good for now. I don't want him to get a big head or anything because then he would be totally impossible to live with instead of just the usual difficult behavior! Anyway, Happy Birthday Murray!


Rochelle said...

Happy Birthday! We loved getting to see you!

Aundrea said...

I'm totally laughing at your list! So mean and so sweet at the same time!!

Heather said...

I really need to have Jack's middle finger bronzed so I can hang it from my rear view mirror...

Jeremy Lyman said...

Ah shnap that picture is killing me. I was laughing out loud.

I think you should frame it as art and name it the "Essence of Jack"