Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Superbowl XXIIVIX (42-too many! :) )

One of my co-workers Teresa, (see the bar maid above) threw a superbowl party and a Daren (see goofball with lemon boobies) going away party. She has the perfect home for it because she had a bigscreen out on the patio, inside, and even if you had to go pee, there is a tv in front of every toilet bowl. A man must have designed her house, I think. We had a great time! I went for the food and the company more than the game. It took me all the next week to lose the couple pounds that I put on from eating too many eclairs, gourmet cheesecake bites, cheese dips, etc, but dang was it worth it! We even got to play on slot machines! Josie was there with her boyfriend Erich, so I had someone to talk to that didn't really give a rat's $#@ about the game either. Teresa has a really cool German Sheperd (see above dork with dog) that would do tricks for potato chips!


Rochelle said...

I am so glad yo posted, I've been wondering about you! I love this picture of you and Jack.

Anonymous said...

You write very well.