Friday, December 25, 2009

We Survived!

It is finally the evening of Christmas in the Murray home, and all is quiet.... I and my family have survived the holiday season intact, and just barely swerved out of the way of a nervous breakdown. I have been looking forward to just this moment in time when I am not at work and all of the gatherings and gifts and stress are behind me. This is the best moment of Christmas. The moment when you can sit down, breath a sigh of relief, and wrap yourself up in the warmth of the memories made with loved ones.

Surprisingly, (not) I have no pictures yet, but they may come. Like next year sometime after I post last years. I can't keep too high of expectations for myself about stuff like that or I'll just feel like a depressed failure and bag the whole thing entirely.

The girls all got Nintendo DS's for Christmas which has proved to be an amazing blessing for us, and is what allows me to be sitting here right now typing this. Because I have my laptop to myself. With nobody lurking around asking for "their turn". As if I have an obligation to share! Since they haven't had their own systems, they have become addicted to several internet game sites like, webkinz, and some mooshi thing. The other night Jack and I crashed into bed around eleven and left the girls to a movie since it's Christmas break. At some point I woke up to Doodles turning on my bathroom light and digging around my night stand while singing to herself. I'm dazed and looking around trying to figure out what the heck time it was, and Jack's looking at his phone grumbling about it being three in the morning!

Me: Doodles, what the heck are you doing????

Doodles: Looking for my ni-night panties. hmm.. hmm, la, la...

Me: Did you wet the bed or something? Gah!

Doodles: No! I go to bed now! I was playing on the 'puter. (pronounced- pewter)

I cannot believe the little turd stayed up all frickin' night playing frickin' computer games! I'd like to blame that on someone else, but I'm sure that one is a genetic trait somehow linked to me. Whoops.

Then I have Miss. Syd who is the Queen of Random Thoughts. This one came out of nowhere and made me realize what a deep thinker she is for her young age. She's my sensitive one for sure. I had worked late and then had to run errands and to get ingredients for some holiday baking and while I was putting away stuff Sydney was hanging around.

Sydney: Mom. Can I talk to you?

Me: Sure! (please don't ask where babies come from, please don't ask....)

Sydney: Did you get to say "goodbye" to your mom?

I could not believe that was what she wanted to talk about. I hadn't even really thought about it quite like that myself. It made me just stop in my tracks. No, I didn't. Not really. I said the goodbye that means "see ya later" but not the goodbye that really means "goodbye". This was the perfect time to explain to her that sometimes you don't know when your goodbye will be forever which is why you always need to treat and speak to everyone like it might be the last time. I tried to keep that conversation near to my heart during these last couple of days, through all the family gatherings, and be grateful for the chaos and fatigue that comes with this time of year because I couldn't be more grateful for the family and the many blessings that I have. To my family and friends- I love you and hope that you have had a wonderful Christmas!


Anonymous said...

My friend and I were recently discussing about the ubiquitousness of technology in our daily lives. Reading this post makes me think back to that debate we had, and just how inseparable from electronics we have all become.

I don't mean this in a bad way, of course! Societal concerns aside... I just hope that as the price of memory decreases, the possibility of uploading our brains onto a digital medium becomes a true reality. It's one of the things I really wish I could encounter in my lifetime.

(Posted on Nintendo DS running [url=]r4i ds[/url] DS NetBlog)

Olessia said...

VERY nice blogg