Tuesday, October 6, 2009

And School Begins! Like a Month Ago...

It's only a month into the school year so it seems that when compared to the fact that I haven't even posted last Halloween, nearly a year past now, that I'm dang near on time! Yesssss!

So the first day of school was the usual chaos with my sleep deprived children being drug out of bed by their equally sleep deprived mother after a gluttonous summer of letting her children look like orphans. Out came the soap, shampoo, (I know, right?) the flat iron, the rubber bands, and the shiny new school clothes. It took some time but we pulled it off on time for me to accompany them to their first day of school. I'm pretty sure that I managed with only a handful of swear words. I'm so fricking good.

So after spending a ridiculous amount of time making sure that my kids looked put together, I stood in my daughter's classroom with despair in my heart and likely a look of horror on my face while I watched the good moms take pictures of their smiling children sitting in their little desks. And standing there unloading their school supplies. And with the teacher. AND I FORGOT THE DAMN CAMERA!!!! Who does that? What good mom forgets the camera on the first day of school???? They don't!!! That would mean that I am not a good mom! Crap! I spent the whole day at work fretting about my lapse and cursing at myself under my breath.

But I found a solution... Oh yes, my crafty self was not going to let this be a total loss! I drove home like a bat outta hell and before even asking how the oh-so-important first day of school went, boot camp style started shouting orders- "Get up off the couch and get your shoes back on! Your blisters will be fine! Hurry up! Grab those backpacks and get over here so I can straighten your hair! Yeah, yeah, glad you had fun- No! Get your shoes on and go stand together!" All of this to make up for my inadequacies as a mother. I'm sure the therapist will help them work it out eventually.

So here's Mel forgetting that we are not posing for our senior pictures, and that she's only nine.

And this is them posing with their gang/peace signs, and no, Sydney does not have epilepsy.

Here they are again with Syd flipping her gang/peace signs, and yes, Melanie does have an attitude.

And this, this is Doodles flipping straight up gang signs cuz she be da bomb. Das right.

So the next day....
The next day I decided to further torture my children in order to make up for my eff-up the previous morning by lugging the camera to the bus stop. The children may have been a bit annoyed with me. Especially Mel...
And the other parents and children were a little bit miffed that I was holding up the line so that I could pose the children by the school bus.

Only those of you that have known me from my school days can truly appreciate pictures of my children getting on the bus with the other children. And by this I mean that the novelty is that my children are not gasping for breath, holding their sides after running for their lives to catch the bus. That may have been my experience. I've heard about it but I think it may be one of those repressed memories from my childhood. Like when I got a referral and removed from the bus after I (Rochelle) called the bus driver a b!tch. That same b!tch we got to sit behind during Sacrament meeting on Sunday. I wish I had repressed that one a little more. I don't know if I ever thanked you for that one Rochelle. And I know I never thanked Heather for tapping on my window every dang day so that we could walk to the bus together only to have to come in and help me throw myself together because the tap had become my alarm clock. Oop's.
So here they are looking a little relieved that they were on their way far, far away from my embarrassing antics.

Aren't they precious?

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