Sunday, October 19, 2008

Sydney- The Modest Nudist?

It's no secret to anybody that Sydney does not like wearing clothes. Review this post if you need a historical perspective on this issue. This has always been the case for her, and I've learned to deal with it in most contexts. Much to my good fortune, she has learned that at all times in public she is to wear clothes. It has taken many years and much embarrassment to get to this point, but finally we're here.

Once Jack and I were reading a menu at a restaurant and looked up at the waitress that we thought was waiting for us to order. Only she wasn't paying any attention to us, her look of horror/shock was directed just beyond us. Immediately we whip our heads around to see that Sydney had popped up from under the table with nothing but her panties on! Naturally the other patrons noticed too. At this point I wanted to crawl under the table, and Jack maybe would have been glad to join me.

Another time I was pregnant with Punkin and I took Sydney to McDonald's to have lunch and play. It wasn't long before I heard shocked gasps from nearby tables. I was afraid to look because I was pretty sure I knew what the problem was. Low and behold! Miss. Syd had gone up the play structure fully clothed, but came down the slide in her panties. Since I was getting little to no cooperation on getting her to get up and get her own clothes, my fat, pregnant ass had to climb up there to collect them and let me tell ya, I nearly needed a stick of butter to get myself out. I think of things like this and am still amazed that she never ended up on Ebay or anything.

After these situations and many more that I don't want to talk about, this next scenario causes some confusion in my head and makes me laugh every time I think about it! Mind you, just because I have gotten her to wear clothes in public does not mean that she is always dressed. She still comes home from wherever and immediately gets down to her underwear. Me forcing the issue causes anguish the likes of which I cannot take. Baby steps. Baby steps. Deep breaths. Meditation.

Anyway, not too long ago I was in a hurry to go somewhere and I was throwing clothes at the kids to put on so we could leave. I was helping Syd because she was being sluggish, and she kept crying about the sun dress I put on her!

Me: "What is wrong with you?"

Syd: "I don't like this dress!" *wailing*

Me: "What the freak is wrong with it?!"

Syd: "I just don't like it!!" *foot stomp, wail*

Me: "What, for the LOVE OF GOD is wrong with it?!"

Syd: "It shows my nickels!"

Me: ???????????

I had nothing to say to that. This child, this child that wanders in her underwear all day, and has a history of doing so in front of people, was concerned that her nickels (nipples) were showing? Seriously? After I shut my mouth that was open to the perfect fly catching position, and popped my eyes back into my head, I simply found her another dress. Crisis averted, nickels covered. Strong drink needed.


Lanna Palmer said... when Grant was 4 1/2, he walked in on me getting out of the shower. After I shooed him out, got a towel on, and open the door to explain that he needed to knock before he walked into my bathroom, he looked up at me and said, "Mom why are your rib cages so big?" And he still thinks nipples are "ripples" because they are on top of your ribs:) Kids are the would be so dull with out them:)

Heather said...

YOu guys are turning into a mob family- Freckles, Nickels.....