Monday, October 6, 2008

Doomed to Repeat...

"Those that fail to learn from history, are doomed to repeat it."

This famous quote by Winston Churchill has seemed appropriate in my mind lately. Not only because of all of the political B.S. that we are inundated with since the election is a mere 29 days away, but for other reasons as well. I breezed through an article recently that discussed some educational establishments who were considering editing or even completely passing over learning about WWII and the effects of the Holocaust. I was floored. Apparently a group of individuals got offended. I'm sure the six million Jews would be offended by this too. At what point do we tell people to sit down and shut up? - I will now step down from my soapbox. I hate a-holes.

Speaking of a-holes and history repeating... I was wandering about Target the other day looking at everything in the store because, well, I have no life, I had no kids with me, and because I was shirking some responsibilities, like oh, unpacking. I should have left before I saw these:

Indigo bio wash.

Do you see
the freakin' buttons on the inside of the ankle???!!!

And these:

Java anybody?

And these!!!

Just when you think that there is hope, beauty, and a sense of justice in this world, you go to Target and find out that they are creating peg legged, acid washed jeans again!!! In frickin' funky colors! Am I wrong in thinking that they should have stayed in the past where they belonged? That we should have learned from that blip in the history of fashion? In my experience, people that grew up in the 80's only get out their photos from that era in order to get laughs from their friends, not to help come up with ideas to bolster the modern wardrobe! Does anyone out there remember how big our asses looked with pegged pants? Oh, woe is me! That was back before my ass was even as big as it is now!! After seeing these, I have decided that no matter how cool they may become, I shall be unfashionable and will swear this very day to never again don the pegged, acid washed nightmares. Target have you lost your ever lovin' mind?


Rochelle said...

I remember swearing I would not wear bell bottoms and then I did! Flare bottoms at least. I'm there with ya girl friend but if this fashion faux pas hangs around for a few years we might look goofier not wearing them. Big ass or not!

Aundrea said...

I can't believe they are not teaching about WWII!! It really wasn't that long ago...and hopefully we learned from it. I have huge respect for that generation and veterans (especially since my grandpa was one of them). I hope they reconsider!

As far as the 80's fashion...I'm going to be sooo out of it!

Heather said...

We were cool though right??? RIGHT??