Sunday, July 6, 2008

The Fourth!

So after a nightmare drive, we chilled down by the pool and BBQ'd. Lisa was super on her game as usual, and had the stuff for s'mores for the kids. Sydney threw away every one she burned which meant that she threw out every one. Fire = burnt marshmallows. Life lesson for Syd.

Pssst...Hey, Punkin, your marshmallow is on fire!

When it got dark we headed up to the park that's just up the hill from the house to watch fireworks. We got there a bit early so that we could get a decent spot. The pre-show looked more like it should be opening for some UFC match or something. I think that Uncle Neal was wishing that we had stayed in Arizona at this point. He was getting his butt whooped!

Here Punkin was getting in on the action after Syd got him down!

Then there's Mel just hangin' with Aunt Lisa being all sweet and innocent.

It was a great show and the fireworks were awesome!

I think after the heinous drive and all the activities, that the kids were a bit tired! They may also have been glad to see Aunt Elaine!


Aaron & Jayme said...

Were you still in Oregon? I can't believe how big Alicia is getting!

Rochelle said...

YAY!! We are next!!!

Anonymous said...

Ask Punkin to save me a marshmallow.

Lisa & Neal Hefty said...

Those kids are brutal! They made my lip leed adn totaly mussed my hair. I loved every moment!