Saturday, July 5, 2008

Travel Is Tiring...

Well, we survived the heinous road trip that we swear every time that we will NEVER do again. Then we always do it again. I think that may be the very definition of retardation. Anyway, the girls were a little tired. I love this picture and will for sure bring it out later for blackmail purposes.

So Jack's version of how things should go involved me having everything packed and picking him up from work at noon and heading straight for Oregon from there, making record time. His plan also involved me alternating with him in the driver's seat.

Here's what really happened:

3:30- Pick Jack up from work (only 3 1/2 hours late)

12:00 am- I take over for my turn at the wheel.

12:45 am- I have narcolepsy and pull over to rest stop for nap.

2:45 am- Wake up with butt cramp and start driving again.

3:45 am- Can't do it anymore and make Jack drive the rest of the way.

Not exactly how he had planned things, but we made it here alive. He will hold this against me forever I think...


Aaron & Jayme said...

Hilarious! Poor husband :(

Heather said...

Those girls look more like you every day....;) You are so lucky that Jack knows these things about you before they happen or don't happen. Like he actually thought that you would do your share of the driving- YEAH RIGHT!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't envy you at all. Well maybe for the weather. HE HE HA HA. Well I sure do miss you all.

Anonymous said...

Girl you kill me :) I love reading your blog. Makes me feel so normal with my crazy family life :) Glad I am not the only one that has an adventure everyday.
Hugs ~ Amy