Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Stork Arrived!

No, I was not secretly pregnant, or will I ever be again because God is not that cruel! We did though, acquire a new baby! We named him Wyatt Earp, though we obviously just call him Wyatt. We just thought the second name would serve as a good addition when we were yelling at him or something. Just like we always throw in the girls' middle name when they're in Big Trouble. He is a sweet little thing, and I haven't gotten a good night sleep since we got him because I have to get up every three hours or so to let him do his business.

So I have a new fuzzy son, and I do so love him! Especially his super bright blue eyes!

Punkin so loves him too! She lub, lub, lubbs him! Lucky Wyatt!

I was trying to get him to pose, but he is resistant to holding still, giving me his annoyed look, and wanting to go back in the house because he thinks he's hot or something. 106 is not hot! Spoiled brat! Geez!

This is him whining at the door trying to get me to release him from his photographic obligations. I love his fur! He looks like a fuzzy cat at this angle. Well, one with a funny head anyway. He will be a great addition to the family even though he was totally unplanned. All we did was go with my friend Stacy to see her new baby horse, and next thing we know we have a puppy! They had twelve of the little buggers running around, and they were just too cute. They would have let us take them all if we had been that stupid, but fortunately we're just a little stupid.


Aundrea said...

He has such pretty blue eyes!

We always gave our pets last names...although they never shared our last name. It was always something like Jones or Wright:)

Heather said...

It's about time that you guys had a dog that wanted to go back into the house!! He is a cutie!!!

Rochelle said...
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Rochelle said...

His head looks transported from another body!! He's so cute!

Anonymous said...

Nice. Elaine wanted the same kind of puppy before we got Dakota.