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Jon's Birthday! Hooorraay!
Jon is probably shaking his head at that title which is why I did it. See, he has issues with birthdays. Mom was just like him about that. I was never sure on the big day if I should say anything, because she was not at all happy about the aging process. Jon is turning 28 today. Yes, I said today, which means that I am all caught up! Yay for me! Woo hoo! Holla! Anyway, about Jon- He's just under four years younger than me which for those of you that don't know the stories, means that he got tormented by me as a child. Yep, sweet little 'ol me picked on an adorable little boy! He done me wrong right off the bat though. He was born with a penis! ( I said penis! *giggle, snort*) I was totally devastated! I was sure that he would be a little sister. Instead, I dressed him up in my dresses until he was like eight or so, and did his makeup and hair to create the perfect sister. I failed. Surgery wasn't an option. Dang! I'm cool with it now since we get along great! Somehow he's found it in his heart to forgive me for my earlier transgressions. Not that he was a little saint or anything. Here he is in his garage with that poor innocent bag he beats the crap out of.
Could you even believe that this guy would be capable of doctoring up fireworks to blow up a mailbox? No? Would you believe that he put them in our mailbox to see if it would work? He was saved that beating by an observant police officer who watched him do it.
This is a great shot of him a couple of years ago with Elaine. It's labeled on my myspace page as "Pimp Daddy Jon". I'm particularly fond of the Top Gun sunglasses. Would you believe that this cool cat would actually tape razorblades to his fingers to impersonate Freddy Kreuger, and go as far to slash the arm of the couch? No? Well he did, and the only smart thing about that particular incident was that he used double sided tape on the inside of the slashes, and covered it with a doily or something. It went undiscovered for months. I'm really glad now that Jon somehow lived through his childhood, cuz he's one cool bro'!
I think that my personal favorite was the booby (snort, snort, I said booby!!) (See Amber- I CAN be as cool as you) trapped bedrooms!!
It barely won over the door handle wedgies!!! I don't know how your brother turned out to even talk to me these days! He is obligated to love you!! Happy Birthday old man!
Hey look on my blog and order something it will be here by the time you come visit!!!! I will never by a candel again and this is way way way cheaper!
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