Thursday, April 17, 2008


Symmetry is a concept that Syd was learning about in math not too long ago, and while I was laughing/crying in a hysterical manner last night and reflecting on my day I thought of symmetry. It can be a good thing and inspire good feelings because it allows you to know what to expect. What is on one side is the same on the other. This is good and bad, depending on whether you want things to be the same. I thought about this because there was an unerring symmetry to my day yesterday that sadly was nothing in any way, shape, or form what I would desire.

First thing in the morning I was hurrying to get Mel to school on time so that the Tardy Nazi's didn't have anything to grump about. The night before I had driven Jack's old truck because it was easier to get to, and had left the garage door opener in it. I didn't get it out because I couldn't find the keys to the truck. To solve the problem I just backed out and had Melanie push the button and run while jumping over the sensor. As I watched the door shut I realized that I had a significant problem. The set of keys that I couldn't find also had my house key on it and obviously I didn't have the garage door opener. Bad. Bad. Bad. I sat there staring at my closed garage thinking to myself that it figured that I was wearing one of Jack's shirts without even a bra, a jean skirt and some old flip flops with un-brushed teeth. The girls in the back were in their panties. I had been, after all just planning on going through the drive-thru to drop Mel off and heading straight home to a shower and a toothbrush. Naturally I was also supposed to be babysitting a friend's little man. In any case I had to gas up, grab the little guy, and head out to Phoenix to go grab Jack's garage door opener. When I told him about my predicament he didn't even have the good graces to sound surprised or even a little sympathetic. It amused him. Anyway with that all said and done, I thought that maybe I should just stay home and let the rest of the day ride out fine. I didn't and it didn't. I did find my keys. Yes, the mailman brought them to me! Apparently I left them at the mailbox. Seems like a good place, no? Soo... I went to my horse riding lesson fully prepared to get maimed or worse judging by the rest of the day. (there was more, but I don't want to list ALL of the annoying things as I don't have that much time) I did not end up in the ER, but as I was leaving at 9:15, I went to open the truck door, and what did I find? A locked door! Oh yes! I locked the dang keys in the truck! This is where the previously mentioned hysteria kicked in, and I thought it appropriate that my day started out screwed up because I couldn't keep track of my keys, that it should also end up screwed up because of it. Needless to say, I had to get Jack to drive way the heck out to where I was to bring me keys which was something that he found way less amusing than my earlier problem. In truth, I could say that he was downright ANGRY!!

In conclusion, I've decided that I am not always a fan of symmetry. In fact, sometimes, it really sucks!


Aaron & Jayme said...

You really need to find a solution to your key troubles :)

Aundrea said...

That totally bites!! Kelly's the one like that around our house:) Maybe you should just get one of those things that goes around your neck and wear your keys as an accessory each and every day/moment.