Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Weed Update

In case you care, (as if you were busily fretting about my weeds) we have won the battle! "We are the champions, my friends..." Anyway, just when I thought I was going to have to rent some goats and stake them out in the front yard, they just started to die. Apparently the poison was very slow acting and snuck up on them. Really, I don't care how it worked, I am just so dang grateful it did! Now I can walk through the neighborhood with my head high! I do think that the goat thing would have been fun though! That would be until the HOA caught wind and fined us up the arse! (Ha! Ha! I said arse!) That, would be way no fun. :( But then we could stake goats out in their yard for a surprise! That would be fun! I just think that goats are fun! They like to nibble...

1 comment:

Aaron & Jayme said...

What's up with you and Goats?! You'll have to come visit me when we move, our plan is to buy a goat so we can have goats milk. (Tristan and Aaron can't have reg milk)