Saturday, August 23, 2008

Public Service

In the spirit of generosity and good-will toward man, I take my children in public. I know, I know, it's a bit over the top, but I'm just good hearted like that. Recently because of the move, we have been spending many meals at restaurants. A blessed break from cooking, but also a ginormous hassle and headache in other respects. It makes cooking seem like it may not only be a good idea, but a necessary step in maintaining my sanity (as if...). But in the midst of that line of thinking, I have to do a mental slap to remind myself to stay away from such horrible, selfish thinking. It would not be fair to the other folks in the restaurant to deprive them of our family's influence. It is for them that I suffer so. I know, I know, ever the martyr...

This here, this right here, I am sure has prevented many pregnancies. If only I could provide the sound that accompanied this picture, you would understand. I know for a fact that after watching my family in action this day at Chili's alone, made several women rush home to pop their birth control pills, cross themselves, hail Mary, or whatever, in an attempt to banish any inappropriate warm fuzzies associated with having children of their own.

And this crazy kid? Whoo-eee, we don't even want to go there!


Rochelle said...

Rub it in!

Aundrea said...

I know what you mean:) In the last year or so, it has become a major deal for us to actually take our kids with us out to a restaurant! I just don't have it in me to fight with them any more! So, I guess I'll let you do the public service for me, I'm just a selfish, selfish person!!

Heather said...

Hey, at least they are in their seats! How much more can you ask?

Aaron & Jayme said...

Oh I love your outlook on life :)