Sunday, January 27, 2008

Christmas Eve 2007!

Christmas Eve this year was alot of fun though it was quite different than usual. That has always been the night that we all run from one family to another to celebrate, not getting home until late, and then still having to get stuff ready for the next morning. Not that it wasn't well worth it, or fun, it was just much different than what we are doing now that we're away! We decided to spend the day wrapping and running last minute errands, and then went to the Phoenix Zoo to check out the lights. It was alot of fun, and we didn't even lose anybody! It was a great night, and then we came home to let the kids unwrap their new Chrismas pj's and slippers, and then our friend Josie came over to give the girls their gifts. We followed all that up with getting everything set up while we watched the oh so traditional South Park Christmas show. Where would we be in the Christmas season without Hankie the Christmas Poo? Anyway, it was relaxing and nice, and made us realize how close our little family really is.

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