Saturday, November 10, 2007

Montezuma's Revenge

Sometimes life really sucks. I'm actually supposed to be at work right now which is probably better than being where I am now, which is slumped over the keyboard trying not to vomit, but knowing that it's more likely that I'll be sitting on the toilet while desperately clutching a separate porcelain bowl on my lap. I'm not sure if I was clear enough, life sucks. Earlier I was thinking that at least if I wasn't working and didn't feel up to doing household projects, that I could at least do some homework. This would have been an excellent quiet time activity if I was capable of sitting upright for long. Every time I would try my body would object, "Don't try it b*$#^, or I will revolt!" And then it would. I knew this would happen, and told myself to prepare for it since I did spend part of my week scrubbing vomit off the floor. Whatever. Jack's biggest concern is that I feel well enough to go and enjoy NASCAR at the Phoenix Raceway tomorrow. I'm not a big fan, but I thought that I might get some good entertainment from all the drunken rednecks. We will see!

So last night was a fun girls night! We had pizza with Marli and her girls, and then I proceeded to do pedicures for six people. I've discovered that I have a talent for the designs that people like. I do a great french, and can do all of the little flowers and stuff. In fact, I was requested to spread my wings a little, and put a fire breathing dragon on Baileigh's toes. It turned out interesting...It was fun though, and I managed to get some of them together for a shot since a couple had fallen asleep!

1 comment:

Rochelle said...

I hope you feel better, this must be why I haven't heard from you in a few days. Hang in there.