Sunday, November 18, 2007

The joy of the desert

It's times like today that I realize how much I truly love living in Arizona! As I type, my kids are out playing on the trampoline in their swimsuits and having a grand ol' time at it. Especially considering that Thanksgiving is only a few days away and that I'm used to a whole lot of rain and cold at this time of year! The thing that I discovered by spending the entire Christmas season here last year is that the spirit of Christmas is still there even if it's not necessarily hot chocolate weather. It's the bustle, the excitement and general feeling of goodwill that makes the holidays special, so I am grateful for my sunshine and fun!


Babs_Baldwin said...

I don't know what you're talking about...We just went camping in November. But you have inspired me...I am on my way to my neighbors trampoline in my bikini.

Rochelle said...

OH we have such beautiful grey weather today! I know how much you truly miss it. Deep down I know you do!